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Most Common Questions for Home Inspections

Updated: May 20, 2020


New and or "experienced" home buyers never seem to know exactly what to ask when inspection time rolls around. For many, its a get it done and move on type situation. In our years of inspecting we have come to see all types of home buyers. There are your young and motivated buyers who want to jump past inspection because "who cares, right?," the 30 somethings who are looking to make the smartest move they possibly can (normally when families are blooming and blossoming), the been through it all 40/ 50 somethings ( who have bought and sold more properties than they can count and have heard horror stories from their BEST friends on a horrifying inspection experience their twice removed aunt had in a completely different part of the country) and lastly your seniors who are remarkably similar in spirit and enthusiasm to our young and motivated buyers who want to pole vault past the red tape and get into their new spot. Either way, we understand our clients and do everything within our power to accommodate to their individual styles and needs. Yes, you might have interpreted correctly, a good inspector knows you don't have all the right questions, regardless of what phase of life you are in, so we try to cover all the bases for you. We have taken the pleasure of creating a list of the most commonly asked questions... yes really.. these questions come directly from our Miami/ South Florida home buyers. Please take a look at just some of the questions posted below and revert to our FAQ web page for additional questions and answers (CLICK IMAGE BELOW)!


Click on the image above to be linked to our FAQ page!

  • How Much should I pay for a home inspection?

Home inspection prices vary quite a bit depending on the location, size and condition of the home. The individual services an inspector offers may also sway the price one way or another. In South Florida we have found that general inspections can start as low as $250.00 and go as high as $600.00 for a single family home between 1000- 3000 sqft. For many, inspection price is a deal breaker. It's no secret that come purchase time, funds are limited across the board. However, you shouldn't let cheap prices entice you. The rule of thumb should always be "you get what you pay for" or for our Hispanic customers "Lo barato sale caro" which loosely translates to "whats cheap always turns out costing more in the end." Home Inspectors tend to factor price on their experience and service. New or inexperienced home inspectors who have yet to built a solid business foundation tend to offer drastically reduced prices and include various services otherwise separate from general inspections in order to attract customers. This should be a big indicator as to whether this inspector is right for you. Choose your home inspector based on recommendation and research. Look at their website and find reviews. Reviews are a home inspectors bread and butter. Last but not least, find someone who is willing to answer all your

questions and provides the most reasonable bang for your buck.

  • What is covered in a home inspection?

By definition, a home inspection is a limited, non-invasive examination and or "snapshot" of a home. This means that home inspectors are restricted to examining the items or concerns that are readily available and or visible within a home while making sure not to disturb any personal items. The snapshot portion of the definition refers to an inspectors ability to examine the condition of the home as it is in the moment that he/she is there. An inspector cannot be responsible for issues arising after or before his/her inspection. The average inspection covers items such as roof system, attic condition, HVAC system, plumbing, electric systems, and various items in between. It is important to ask your inspector what items he or she does not cover. Our inspectors are very thorough in their inspections and make sure to cover most items pertaining to the home itself (for example. we do not cover gates or fences). We can provide a list of the few items we do not cover in our basic home inspection. You'll be surprised with how much we do cover!

  • What can you expect a home inspector to find?

A home inspector is typically concerned with identifying key issues that can be hazardous to the structure and the family living in it. Cosmetic issues are not usually a focal point in any inspection but can/ usually are included in an inspection report. Inspectors will be looking at your roofing system, electrical , HVAC, plumbing, appliances and overall functionality of the home.

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